(Almost) Final proof is back

The latest proof is back and things are looking great. There are a couple of things to iron out but it looks like the first 50 copies will be ready next week. I still need to work out a channel for selling them, which will likely be here on this site but will post when things are ready to go.

I decided on removing the “Issue” number and season as did not want to necessarily lock myself down to doing things in regular issues, leaving scope for titles to change etc. in future instalments of the project.

I’m hoping that these first 50 copies can sell and start the ball rolling. I’m confident that I will be able to sell them but I’m also filled with a little worry that the project may hit a stumbling block and nobody will be interested. Fingers crossed that is not he case!


Twenty-five Food Banks zine is ready to order!


Zine is off to the printers