Brighton has more locations than I first thought

I photographed the two Trussell Trust food bank locations about 6 months ago thinking that I had ticked Brighton off of the list. I was very wrong! Recently, I was searching to see if there was a location just the other side of Brighton and Hove in Shoreham on Sea and Lancing coming across a website for the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership. As I navigated around the site I found the page that lists the locations around the city and to my dismay, I found there are another 31! I could not believe it, 31 locations. I immediately started to list the locations on my checklist and later that morning started to get some of them roping my son into tagging along. On the day we managed to get about five of them and one in Lewes on the way back home.

One of the locations I am still a little unsure of whether I photographed the right place, but I thought it best to shoot what came up on the map. The others I have uploaded to the gallery of locations and more will be soon to follow.


Zine is off to the printers


Work on the first zine is under way